Thursday 26 May 2011

Week 12: Hot Potatoes

In this section, we want to present you a series of Internet devices which are very useful for teachers who wish to make use of technologies. Hot Potatoes is a site where you can download the setup file. 
Once you have installed it in your computer, you can create the sort of activity you prefer for your students to put their knowledge of a certain area or exercise into practice.

There are five possibilities: crosswords, fill-in the gaps (or cloze test), matching, a multiple choice (quiz) or a mix. Each user can customise his activities and ask the students to do them either in the class or at home. The fact that physical materials are not needed makes this kind of exercises quicker and more straightforward than conventional homework.
Try it yourselves and check how it works!

You can create a new activity or redo one of those you have already designed to apply these resources.

Look at ours!


(this is a remaking of the listening activity in week 11 adapted to the Hot Potatoes exercises. You can compare them and determine how much it has been improved)


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